War and Revolution in Ukraine, 1914–1920. 4th URIS Workshop
Das Network of Ukrainian Research in Switzerland (URIS) veranstaltete unter dem Titel „War and Revolution in Ukraine, 1914–1920. 4th URIS Workshop“ am 26.11.2018 eine Konferenz. Der Workshop zeichnete die historische Entwicklung der Ukraine nach und beleuchtete die Zeit des Krieges, der Besatzungszeit, die Revolution und den Staatsaufbau seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Internationale Expertinnen und Experten für die Geschichte Osteuropas und der Ukraine diskutierten über zentrale Fragen, die bisher von der Forschung weitestgehend ignoriert wurden. So wurde besipielsweise über die Sinnhaftigkeit generationeller Konzepte in der ukrainischen Geschichte debattiert oder über die Rolle von Antisemitismus in der Genese des modernen ukrainischen Staates.
This workshop was initiated by the “Ukrainian Research in Switzerland” (URIS) program; it’s objective was to bring together scholars from different countries and backgrounds who work on related topics, to exchange ideas, share work in progress and point the way for new research. The URIS workshop took occasion of the centenary of the withdrawal of the Central Powers from Ukraine and the subsequent overthrow of Hetman Skoropads’kyi in late 1918 in order to reexamine the history of war, occupation, revolution, diplomacy, and state building in Ukraine during World War I, as well as the various upheavals and conflicts to which it gave rise.
Den Tagungsbericht von Oliver Sterchi für H-Soz-Kult können Sie hier weiterlesen.
Olena Betlii (Kyiv / Lviv): The Right to the City: Kyiv Stories of World War I and Revolution
Fabian Baumann (Basel): Was there a “Generation of 1917”? Generational Change and Political Radicalization in the Ukrainian National Movement
Christopher Gilley (Durham): Beat the Jews, Save… Ukraine. Antisemitic Violence and the Ukrainian State-Building Projects during the Civil War
Trevor Erlacher (Basel / Chapel Hill): The Götterdämmerung of Ukrainophilism: Dmytro Dontsov, Ukrainian Nationalism and the Entangled Eastern Front, 1914-1918
Borislav Chernev (Exeter): The Brest-Litovsk Peace Conference and Ukraine
Wolfram Dornik (Graz): What Arrived in Graz? Hope and Reality of the Results of Austro-Hungarian Exploitation of Ukraine in 1918
Eric Aunoble (Geneva): Lower Classes’ Involvement in the Making of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of Ukraine 1918-1921: A Research Project
Hanna Perekhoda (Lausanne): The Bolsheviks in Eastern Ukraine and Their Competing State Projects (1917-1918): On the Emergence of the Donets-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic
Dmitri Tolkatsch (Freiburg): Reconsidering the “Dark Masses” of the Ukrainian Peasantry